Glacier National Park, Montana

The Perimeter
Trip Day Eight: June 19, 2000
More Scenes From The Goat Lick Area

The Stream confluence with the Middle Fork of the Flathead River is seen from the edge of the Goat Lick parking lot. And the railroad trestle is in the same area.

As we continue along the south edge of the park we see some mountain peaks, not so high, but picturesque, none the less.

The lowest Continental Divide in the US?

Then we cross the Continental Divide at Maria's Pass at 5216 feet — not quite a mile high. Some one told us this was the lowest Continental Divide in the US. We think the one on Interstate 10 in Southern New Mexico is lower. We can't find a map to tell us the elevation of the Continental Divide there. Does anybody know the actual elevation? Please let us know if you do. Please drop us an e-mail to and give us the facts.

Page last updated July 28, 2000.