Mount Washington

The Highest Peak In New Hampshire

Day 16: Tuesday August 28, 2001

Preparing For The Mt. Washington Ascent

If you wish to compare the White Mountains with the Rockys, they may seem trivial if just the eleveation is considered. And you can drive up the auto road for a small fee — the road is privately owned. Although the mountain isn't all that high, so far as mountains go, but the road is very steep. The steep grade is maintained most of the way up. This is a strain on any vehicle, so we decided to let the professionals take us up. We rode in a van, the stage, similar to the one pictured near the flag pole.

The Forrested Lower Slopes

We're on our way by 9:48 AM. They take a van load up when they get enough passengers ready to go. The wait wasn't long.

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Page last updated March 27, 2002.