Lake Quinault, Washington

Trip Day Twenty-two, May 25th, 2006

A Day in the Forest
Moss on North Side of Tree?
We have all heard the advice to look for moss on the north side of the trees if you are lost in the forest. Well, which north would you be looking for?
This tree illustrates that the old advice doesn't always hold true. So it's a good idea to that a real compass with you if you are to go off on a trek.

After a sumptious breakfast in the lodge dining room, we decided to explore the area by car before setting out to do any hiking. So, we started out by continuing on the forest service road that we came in on. We drove west along the lake shore. This is a land along borders. The Olympic National Park borders the lake on the north. And on the south side of the lake the national forest and private lands appear to be mixed along the road we will drive.




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