Seattle, Washington

Trip Day Eleven: May 14, 2006

Carolyn's Rhodies Smile for the camera.

Washington's state flower was wonderfully ubiquitous in our travels in the Northwest.
These rhododendrons belong to Bob and Carolyn Harris.

John, Bob, Carolyn, and Eric Harris

We were delighted to get acquainted with John and Eric. Cousins for a half-century and we had never met! And of course, we were pleased to see Uncle Bob and Carolyn again. We were in for a huge treat.

At the Marina

This is only one of many marinas in Seattle, and the one John uses for his boat.


On Puget Sound

Victoria Clipper

Day trippers can take the 3-hour cruise to Victoria, BC for under $130.
Seniors gain considerable discounts on their tickets. This is not a car ferry.
If your car needs to go, you will have to take the traditional ferry boat.

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