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Queensland, Australia

Great Barrier Reef

Trip Day Thirty-six: Monday, October 29, 2007

A Day on the Reef With Wavelength

The Wavelength bus picked us up at the Mirage port cochere right on schedule, and we were being briefed about safety precautions for ourselves and the reef by 8:46 AM.

A Brief Briefing

Acknowledging a question, the captain, in the orange shirt, outlines the plans for the day. We went out with Wavelength, a company catering to snorkelers. In reading about the subject, we learned that companies who take scuba divers and snorkelers on the same cruise, usually go to sites more suited to the scuba divers and too deep for snorklers to get close enough to the view. They say they have the only vessel in Port Douglas dedicated to snorkelling the outer reef.

Picking Fins

They had pulled cartons of fins sorted by sizes to the middle of the boat and we dug for a pair that fit. Some had their own gear. We had snorkels and masks, but used their fins.

Picture by Wavelength Crew
These Eyes Search The Sea

This was the naturalist aboard to tell us about the creatures we will encounter and why they are in danger.

We are ready to leave the dock.

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