Back In Port Douglas On Schedule
You have shared our day with the folks from Wavelength. We couldn't have had a better time.
And the picture CD they sold us as a souvenir for $25 is a treasure. Most of those on our cruise
picked up their CDs the next day. But our schedule made that impossible. They hurried to burn the
pictures on a CD for us, and one of the employees dropped it by the hotel on their way home from work.
We hated for them to have to rush, but because of our airline schedules, we had to do our rainforest
tour the next day then fly back to Sydney the following day. Someone on the Wavelength staff, really
bent over backwards so that we could have these pictures, and we are so grateful to them. Do we recommend
this company? You bet we do. If you want to snorkel the Barrier Reef, come to Port Douglas and go with
Wavelength. (No, they neither paid nor asked for the rave, nor has anyone else who gets our recommendation on this site.)
Check back later for slideshows of selected pictures from Wavelength's Best 100 Pictures.
Our next pictures will be from an excursion to the rainforest in Daintree National Park.