
Please come along with us on our 8800-mile journey to see eastern North America. We were on the road 45 days, took more than 2200 pictures and 5 video tapes, and discovered some of the lesser known places along the way.

If you wish to begin at the beginning and join us on the tour in the sequence that it happened, just click on the illustration above. Or you can click the state or province names below.

The trip map is a handy way to follow the itinerary of the trip. But the page is a bugger to load, so please be patient. Once it is loaded it will be stored on your computer and load much more quickly on future visits to the site if you don't clean out your cache of Temporary Internet Files.

Check out our itinerary if you wish to see the detailed maps of each tour segment as planned, or read our recollections about the places we stayed.

We began our trip by traveling two long days to Lamar, Colorado then Hot Springs, South Dakota so that we would be in range for a drive through the Black Hills and a brief stop to see the Mt. Rushmore National Monument and a cruise through Badlands National Park.

If you wish to view the pictures as the trip progressed, you may begin in Hot Springs, S. D. by clicking the theme image above. You may return to this page by clicking the Tour Home button on any page.

This site contains 332 pages with 1262 images! That's a lot of viewing. Particular attention has been spent on site navigation, so it should be easy to find the pages that will be of most interest to you.

Load Michigan Menu Load South Dakota Menu North Dakota pictures
Minesota Pictures Load New York Menu Load Wisconsin Menu
Ontario Menu Load New Hampshire Menu Load Vermont Menu
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Massachuestts Menu Mystic Seaport, Connecticut New Jersey Menu
Maryland Menu Kentucky Menu Tennessee Menu
Natchez Trace Parkway Mississippi Menu

Page last updated May 15, 2002.

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