Anchorage: The City


No longer the muddy outpost it once was, Anchorage is a modern city.
This view from the hotel window features the nearby Chugach Mountains that border the triangle of land that is home for the city on the Cook Inlet.

airport - 2

While the international airport allows travel in and out of the state, an important airport for in-state transportation is this strip of water.

Inlet Tower Suites Lobby

Our luggage is stacked by the pillar while we wait in the miniscule lobby of the Inlet Tower Suites Hotel. No kidding, the brass railing on the right is a hand rail for a stairway that bisects the lobby! To get to and from the two elevators, one must drag their luggage up and down these and the stairs plus those outside the front door. Incidentally, the room was OK, but the restaurant and location, not so much. Located way away from the downtown area, one must go by taxi cab no matter where you want to go.
This building is a survivor of the 1966 earthquake!

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