Downtown Fairbanks

'The Travel Company Man'
our Athabascan
tour guide,
awaits out return.

Our Guide Stan

building mural

Murals adorn many downtown buildings.

Owen & steam vent

If you were the
City Council,
what would
you use this for?

You'd use this
to vent the
steam you use
to warm the
streets in winter,
that's what!

building mural

Here's another decorated building.

building mural

Threatening Clouds!

Dark clouds can dominate a bright sunny sky almost instantly!

We also visited a gold mine. While we did see them use a high-pressure hose to send the loosened gravel to the slushbox, and ride a little train through an underground mine they had created for demonstration, the gold mined by those prospectors was the tourists brought by the various tour guides.

We did stop by a small visitor center of the Alaska Pipeline. Now, that was interesting and next in our photo tour.

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