Beautiful Peak in Glacier Bay
We boarded the Sun Princes and sailed from Seward on Resurrection Bay to the Prince William Sound during the night. Early Tuesday morning we woke to the view of glaciers silently gliding by in the College Fjord, near the eastern boundary of the sound. It seemed as if these tidewater glaciers on the College Fjord were just outside our balcony. It was a dark-gray day, so pictures were out of the question for me. Late in the day we did take some pictures in open water in the soundone subject was a tanker apparently headed for Valdez.
This morning we entered Glacier Bay in pretty heavy fog in places. We picked up two Park Ranger/Naturalists at Gustavus to broadcast the explanations of the sights to all public rooms on the ship. In our cabins the nature talks were available on one of the closed circuit television channels.
They said that glaciers create their own weather patterns. The ice pack will reflect enough sun to burn off the clouds in that area. That is what's operating around the mountain peak in the picture above. So, for that reason, this picture seemed to symbolize the icefields that feed the glaciers of Glacier Bay National Park. There wasn't much else that wasn't under heavy cloud cover. Notice that in addition to the glacial ice and snow on this peak, there is also a light dusting of new snow.