The Alaska SeaLife Center

Hotel Edgewater

Click for Seward, Alaska Forecast
  We stayed at
Hotel Edgewater
in Seward.
This hotel was a sharp
contrast to the
Inlet Towers in Anchorage
and the Capt. Bartlett
in Fairbanks.
The hotel was new,
and the staff was warm,
friendly, and eager to help
make their guests
Although the rooms
were a little small,
this hotel gets a thumbs-up
from these tourists.

Alaska SeaLife Center

We left Anchorage later than scheduled in a cramped, little
bus that was no doubt intended as a local shuttle. We just
arrived in time to use our tickets to the Alaska SeaLife Center.
No Travel Company representative was in Seward to help us.
But the hotel employees made up for it.

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