Chesapeake Bay
Miles River
Day 36: Monday, September 17, 2001
Osprey Nest
Navigational light supports serve as great nesting sites for the ospreys. These light posts are well protected from preditors. And now that man has decided to respect the wildlife of the region, the nest is pretty safe. With a little repair of the winter storm damage, they can use the same nests from year to year.
The Bow Provides Good Scenery
Many Colonial Homes Along This Shore
Well-to-do tobacco planters were the first settlers here.
Canadian Geese Winter Here
This twig-covered contraption is a duck blind used in the winter. The bay has been rich in ducks and geese for game hunting since before the Europeans discovered this waterway. They overhunted the area to the point that they almost wiped out the birds that came here. But flocks have increased in size, but there are not nearly as many birds as there once were.