New England


Logan Airport, Boston
Thursday, October 7, 1999

Photos by Pat Tyler

This tower is one of the first and last things you see
when Boston Logan Airport is your destination.

The weather was cold and gray when we arrived
September 29th, now we see the tower
in the sunlight.


The sandwich on Owen's
plate is known as
a lobster roll.
This is the proprietor
of Killian's Boston Pub.
He served such good
lobster rolls that Pat
just had to get his picture.

Our New England tour has been fabulous!
Country Squire Tours and tour director,
Sue Sears did everything we expected and more.
Our accomodations were great, and the
itinerary was supurb.

We will return to the Tylers' Travels
Home Page.

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or click one of the menu buttons to choose your destination.

This page last modified August 31, 2000.