
The Keweenaw Peninsula

Day 7, Sunday, August 19, 2001

The Houghton - Hancock Bridge

This alternative to a draw bridge lifts to let the large ships through.

The Restaurant of the Ramada Inn Waterfront

We're standing on the Ramada's courtesy dock to take the picture. It was used by several restaurant customers while we were there.

The normal bridge level allows plenty of space to let this small craft through.
He's probably going home after spending the day on Portage Lake.

We didn't have much time to explore the Keweenaw Peninsula, but the quick trip to Copper Harbor at the end of the peninsula gave us a pretty good idea of what it's about. We would have liked to have been able to take a scenic cruise out of Copper Harbor, and had time to go back and buy something from the bakery at Eagle River, but it's still a long, long way to Nova Scotia from here.

Next, we'll drive east across the Upper Peninsula, then south to see Lake Michigan before crossing the Mackinac Bridge to the Lower Peninsula.

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Page last updated October 30, 2001.