Mount Washington
The Way Down
Day 16: Tuesday August 28, 2001
Water Tank For Thursty Autos
An Historic Trip
Engaged: Phil Blais popped the question to Tabi Blair while they were on top of the mountain.
Sunday, August 11, 2002: We received a very nice note from Tabi and Phil. They were married December 22, 2001 in a beautiful Christmas wedding. They live in Whitefield, Me. We wish them a wonderful and long married life together.
Mount Washington
There's the highest mountain in New Hampshire, and east of the Mississippi River.
It's only 11:32 AM, so we have plenty of time for more sightseeing in the area. Next we will make a loop up the Androscoggin River from Gorham to Errol then return by way of Newry and Bethel, Maine.
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