The Hudson River
Day 32: Thursday, September 13, 2001
Bear Mountain Bridge
We wanted to see the Hudson River Valley, and time permitted a brief drive along the bluffs near West Point. But unfortunately, traffic conditions didn't allow any stops for pictures. So these three post cards are the best we could do in the photo department.
Storm King Mountain
These pictures were taken later in the year than we were there. The trees had not yet begun to take on their brilliant autumn colors when we passed by.
US Military Academy at West Point
We had planned a visit to the Military Academy, but this was September 13th, two days after the horrendous attack on our country. The line-up of cars along the highway at the gate told us that no vehicles were being allowed in. We had no time or inclination to park our loaded SUV on the highway and walk an unknown distance to see the campus.
Stay tuned, our hosts in Ridgewood, NJ took us on a tour along the palisades and south. We got some good pictures of Manhattan and the Bronx / Yonkers area from across the river.
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