Island of Oahu
LDS Temple at Laie
Tuesday, October 10th, 2000
The Hawaii Temple, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, built in 1919, is located in Laie on the northeastern coast of Oahu. We were invited inside the temple, but our schedule only allowed us to enjoy the beautiful grounds for a few moments. For some interesting information about the temple design, use this link .
The Mormans (Latter Day Saints) have done extensive missionary work in the islands. A branch of Brigham Young University is near this temple. The very popular Polynesian Cultural Center is on the university campus. University students are encouraged to work in the cultural center in exchange for all or part of their tuition expenses. Sharing their cultural heritage with visitors can be compared with working in the cafeteria for students at other schools.
Lavishly landscaped in tropicals, the grounds are a treat for anyone stopping by. Across from the temple is a street lined with Norfolk Island Pines which are house plants for most of the rest of us. These pines are very plentiful in the islands growing wild, or used as street trees.
These trees, covered with white flowers seemed to grow everywhere, that is except where I had the opportunity to snap the picture.