Island of Oahu

Tuesday, October 10th, 2000

Well, we are back on the ship! We have circled the eastern half of Oahu, and now have a fair idea of what's here. We had planned to use some of our additional time in port for shopping, but by this time, even most of the private sector workers are on the roads, and we are exhausted.

In the distance we can see Diamond Head and the skyscrapers of Waikiki. Our tour bus went through the middle of Waikiki, and we never did see a bit of sand or water! The hotels are pretty much wall to wall!

The Hawaiian guides are all experts on real estate prices, I suppose to prevent us tourists from considering a move to paradise. This one said said that a condo in a building not far from the Port of Honolulu would cost in the neighborhood of $2 million!

In the morning we will dock in Nawiliwili, Kauai.

Page last updated November 9, 2000.