Antarctic Waters

Lemaire Channel

Day 13: Wednesday, January 16, 2002

"You mean you must take my picture again?"

How about a little more color? It's 1:12 PM, and we're at lunch in the main dining room.
Yes, we always had fresh flowers on the tables and in our staterooms. The view shows how near we are to the shore. But the slopes are nearly 90º, so we are in very deep water here.

It has rained or snowed off & on all day.

The scouts have returned.

It's 1:23 PM, and the scouts reported the channel ahead clogged with brash ice and bergy bits. So, we will not proceed further south. The tender crew enjoys photo opportunities, and so do the passengers.

The Ryndam has twelve lifeboats, four of which are equipped with twin engines and are used for tender service when space at a pier is not available. Or the harbor is too shallow.

Small Cove On Lemaire Channel

This is where we turned around at about 1:30 PM. According to the captain our position was 65º6'S 63º65'W. We moved very slowly north up the channel. This is a very scenic area, so we took lots of pictures in this area.

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