Corcovado Mountain text Truly Interesting Plants text    

Day 2: Friday, January 5, 2002    

Truly Interesting Plants

Left: With palm-like leaves, this appears to be a Madagascar Screw Pine (Pandanus utilis).
For more information: See Daves' Garden. Right: We're looking down on the tops of trees on the side of Corcovado Mountain. The white plants are not wild flowers. They are trees. They only grow at a very narrow span of elevation.

This Jackfruit was snapped from the cog railway on the way up.

This is a common fruit in Rio de Janeiro, but you won't find it on the menu in your hotel restaurant. Our guide said that although they are good for you, they smell just awful. The botanical name for this tree is Artocarpus heterophyllus. It is of the Moraceae family. For more information and more pictures go to Dave's Garden.

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