ms Ryndam
The Hotel South America / Antarctica Cruise
This is a Porthole
Unlike the tiny round openings in the hull of yesteryear, even the smaller windows in the modern ship are of a fairly good size. And like every first-class hotel this ship has a variety of accommodations. When the passengers must vacate their rooms prior to disembarkation, sometimes they are able to sneak a peek at some of the cabins different than theirs. We now share some of those peaks, courtesy of the O'Briens.
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Photo curtesty of Dan & Barbara O'Brien
Photo curtesty of Dan & Barbara O'Brien
This is an Outside Cabin
This cabin has a view of the ocean, but no private veranda. The window is larger than the porthole illustrated above. An inside cabin would be similar to this, but having a mirror in place of the window.
Photo curtesty of Dan & Barbara O'Brien
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Photo curtesty of Dan & Barbara O'Brien
Left: This is what is known as a stateroom with private veranda. Usually this class of cabin is just a mite smaller than the outside cabin shown above, because the space is taken out for the veranda. Although we spend little time sitting out there, we like the quick access to the views to catch the photo ops.
Right: You'd better not forget your cabin number, because you're not going to find your way home down a long hall like this one by recognizing the door. They're all pretty much the same.
Photo curtesty of Dan & Barbara O'Brien
This is a Suite
In mobil home lingo, this would be considered a double-wide.
These are very nice, especially on a long cruise like this one was.
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