New York City

Metropolitan Museum Of Art

Day 34: Saturday September 15, 2001

Chinese Culture

Chinese Whimsy

We love the humor depicted in many Chinese sculptures. Even the Buddhas are represented as fat ( in good health), laughing and happy.

Time For A Break

It's 6:30 and we've been wandering around the museum for quite a while.
We're going to go across the lobby to the balcony in the picture
to get some wine and listen to the chamber orchestra
before we meet Joel. Later we will go to a
favorite neighborhood Hungarian
restaurant for dinner.
It was delicious.

Did you enjoy the museum? We certainly did. In case you wondered, yes they do have traditional paintings, too and much, much more. We hope we can come back to see more of this wonderful city when things are more settled. But now, it's time for us to be on our way. Our gracious hosts, Paul & Brenda Levin will leave for Italy next Tuesday. They need us out of the house so they can pack.

Thanks for a wonderful visit and tour of the Hudson River and New York City.

We'll go south in New Jersey on the way to the Eastern Shore of Chesapeake Bay.
Those pictures are next.

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Page last updated March 28, 2002.